Hi Friends! How are you doing? I had just got back from a Fabulous Fourth Farewell :) Thanks to Wei Luen and Sarah, two good friends of mine for more than 6, 7 years. We had Japanese steamboat... very healthy and yummy food, with lots of fiber and greens :)
I truly appreciate moments like these, because when I look back 10, 20 years later, I'll know that I had friends who cared, friends who loved, friends who took time off their busy schedules to spend time with me...

Friends who understood what I am going through, friends who supported my future plans, friends who sincerely wanted to know how I felt going through all these major changes in my life (i.e. marriage, quitting my job, moving to the States, taking up MBA, et cetera), and friends who offered me invaluable advice and words of wisdom that are much appreciated :)

I might not have a lot of money in my bank accounts (yet). I might not drive a Merz or a BMW (yet). I might not own a lot of lands or properties (yet). But one thing I do know is that I am ever so richly blessed, because I have FRIENDS :)

Yes, friends come and go. But some stay longer. And it's those friends I'm truly thankful to God for. Someone asked me once, why did I remain friends with that person for so many years? I answered him, it takes two hands to clap. Both has to put in the effort to stay together. But I also said that, when the friendship seems to be slipping away, that's the time when I have to decide if I wanted to let it fade away into utter oblivion, or put in the extra effort to keep it going. For most of the time, I fanned the dying flame. Just for what? For my own benefits? For something I want out of it? Nope. It's for FRIENDSHIP. I cared enough. I loved enough. As simple as that. I believe that friends who came into our lives definitely didn't happen BY CHANCE. It's definitely God-given. And just like so many things God placed in our hands, we have the power to CHOOSE... either to keep it and nurture it well like gold, or let it go like rubbish.

Some people treat friends like commodities, like toys. When they get bored, they find a new one. Some treat friends like the toilet. Out of convenience, they will remain friends with them. And when things change, e.g. they are moving further away, it is no longer convenient (or economical) to stay as friends. Have I met people like that? Unfortunately, yes. And yes, I did try to fan the flame, to keep it going, but alas, if you are the only side trying to make it work for numerous times, it does not take too long for me to decide to LET IT GO. Why does this has to happen? Did we do something wrong? Something wrong with us? Absolutely not. It is unfortunate that some will decide not to remain friends, or close friends with us. And when that happens, no matter what reason, whether valid or invalid, there is nothing else we should do but to MOVE ON. Sometimes, that's the best thing to do.

I know I had done this before, so I'm not going to do it again... to name names. So this time, I will just thank God for all of you, all the friends that God has blessed me with. You have no idea how much you mean to me, and how much you have impacted my life. And I definitely look forward to many more years of friendship together with you all.

And I especially want to thank God for my baby, my wife, my best friend FOR LIFE. And yes, God always saved the best for last :) And she is THE BEST. EVER. FOREVER. Thank You Jesus!

Hey John!
Just came back yesterday from the trip.It was lovely. Waiting for my frnds to forward the pictures so I can write a piece on it! Can't wait!
You are so right about friendship.I am thankful to have the friends that I have and I know how much they mean to me. There are no half measures here..it's either there or not..either we love completely or its simply not even worth trying. Well written and I am happy you have such wonderful friends..^_^
You are so blessed. I am not blessed with these sort of friends yet but I do have one best friend that I can count on and you know him too :)
Without friends to share our lives, life would be quite dull.
You are blessed indeed with many good friends!
As life progesses on, you will acquire and nuture many, many friendships throughout...may they all be of the keeping kind!
I so enjoyed this post, John because it made me look at all the friendships I have and made me realize just how blessed I am too with the love of friends!
Thanks Deboshree, Sue Me & Donna :D
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